• 直島限定 limited

【Max.5】小沢剛 JIZO_Tsuyoshi Ozawa JIZO

価格: ¥16,500 (税込)
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商品説明ヴァレーギャラリーに《スラグブッダ88-豊島の産業廃棄物処理後のスラグで作られた88体の仏》を展示している小沢剛のマルチプルです。 小沢剛が作家デビュー作となったJIZOを3Dプリンタでスマートフォンサイズに縮小し、スラグブッダと同じ窯元で備前焼の製法を用いて焼きあげました。


DescriptionA multiple of Tsuyoshi Ozawa's 《Slag Buddha 88 - Eighty-eight Buddha Statues Created Using Slag from Industrial Waste of Teshima》exhibit at the Valley Gallery, Naoshima. The JIZO was part of Tsuyoshi Ozawa's debut work as an artist. Using a 3D printer, the artist has reduced the JIZO to the size of a smartphone. The JIZO is fired in the method of Bizen ware at the same pottery for producing the Slug Buddha.

※As the JIZO was fired by hand, the color of each JIZO will appear slightly different.
※Actual colors may vary slightly due to different device screen settings.
※Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited.
商品仕様 サイズ:

Product InformationSize: approx. W50mm×H130mm (JIZO)・W100mm×D75mm×H154mm (Box)
