• 直島限定 limited

直島指人形おりがみ_Naoshima Origami Finger Puppet

価格: ¥660 (税込)

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DescriptionThis Origami finger puppet features the symbols of Naoshima. There are two sheets of each of the ten designs: Onna Bunraku (a traditional art form of Naoshima),Ferry, Noren (a traditional Japanese curtain), Octopus, Azalea (town flower of Naoshima), Cat, Taiko Drumming, Seagull, Stars, and Hamachi. You can also use it to write letters or draw on the back. Step-by-step instruction is included.

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商品仕様 おり紙サイズ:W105mm×D105mm

Product InformationSize of Paper: W105mm×D105mm
