Vol.1Make the most of what you have and create what you don't.

When living on an island low in population with limited resources, it is essential to keep in mind that
“to make the most of what you have and to create what you don't.”

At Benesse House, we embodied this idea by collaborating with local-based traditional industries or using upcycled materials in our products.

From the below highlights, you will discover the production process of these items. Each handmade elaborately by the artisans, we hope our products will remind you of the memories of Naoshima.

A Product Made from Scrap:
“Naoshima Acrylic Tag Plate”

Modernization and urbanization once caused damage to the natural environment of the islands in the Seto Inland Sea. Based on this history, we have created a key holder using acrylic scraps, and we hope this everyday item will help remind the importance of environmental protection and sustainable living.

  • The Production

    The acrylic is first heated under high temperatures. The artisans will then combine different types of scraps to create a unique pattern before they remold the mixture into an acrylic sheet. The whole process takes a full day to finish.

  • The Quality

    Each key holder is handmade and has a different combination of colors and textures designed by the artisans.

  • The Design

    Each tag features a kanji character associated with Naoshima, and you may find the "one and only" design that reminds you of the memories of Naoshima.

Innovation through a 120-Year-Old Traditional:
“Reborn of a Leather Product”

Higashikagawa City of Kagawa prefecture is known for producing high-quality gloves for over 120 years and owns up to 90% market share for domestic gloves production. By utilizing this traditional technique and with fine craftsmanship, we have created a durable leather product that is made to last.

  • The Technique

    A key to producing a pair of gloves that fit comfortably is to sew the leather with a narrow seam allowance. This process requires high techniques and skills in handling the sewing machine, which are the same qualities that make it possible to create a product with a compact design.

  • The Quality

    The leather is cut individually according to its natural characteristics. It is then tanned until it becomes thin and light yet durable.

  • Expertise×Design

    Although made of genuine leather, our product is exceptionally light, making it the perfect everyday item to be carried around.