“Sharing your experiences in Naoshima with loved ones.”
Curated by the Benesse House Online Shop, these gift sets allow you to share your Naoshima experiences with loved ones and create new memories.
Beautifully packaged in a bespoke box, the sets feature Benesse House original and popular products like towels, olive oil, and unique items of Naoshima.
A Box Full of Thoughtful Details
“Benesse House Original Gift Box”

A design inspired by the
landscape of NaoshimaThis is an original box inspired by the iconic ivy of Benesse House and the exterior walls of the museum. Special attention was given to the details, such as the design of the print when the lid is closed and the ribbon is tied.
To carefully protect
the precious giftIt features a sturdy construction like the 'inro-style' box, combining an outer and inner box to create a double-layered structure for protecting delicate items like bottles of olive oil and jam.
Crafted to be cherished
and last for yearsThe box can be reused as a letter box for storing tickets or souvenirs from your trip, or even used it as a treasure box for children.
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