Vol.2Ingredients from Setouchi

Enjoy seasonal ingredients harvested in Setouchi.
“Discovering the blessings of nature through tasting locally grown and seasonal ingredients.”

With advanced agriculture and manufacturing technology, many food products have become available all year round. At the Benesse House, however, we hope to embrace seasonal products and reduce food waste, so we have created this original lemon jam.

We use lemons harvested in winter when the fruit is in season. To maximize ingredient usage, we have added lemon peels to the jam. Unlike mass-produced products, our jam is made one-by-one meticulously in small batches. Check the content below for the making process of this jam.

Using Only Lemons Harvested that Year:
“Benesse House Original Setouchi Lemon Jam”

The lemons we used are grown under plenty of sunlight in the Seto Inland Sea area. To ensure our customers can fully enjoy the freshness of these lemons, only the amount needed for that year is harvested, and it takes extra time and procedures to make this jam.

  • Carefully Selected Ingredients

    We use locally grown lemons sourced from Kagawa Agricultural Cooperative in this jam. The lemon peel, usually discarded during production, is carefully processed and added to the jam to deepen the flavor.

  • Quality

    A generous amount of locally grown lemons is used, with more than 60% of the content comprised of lemon juice and peel. Enjoyable by both kids and adults; try freshening up a glass of alcohol or cider with this jam!

  • Food Safety

    To ensure our products are delicious and safe, they are managed carefully using machines and double-checked manually during various production processes.