ベネッセハウス オンラインショップご利用規約

このご利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます)は、株式会社ベネッセホールディングス(以下「当社」といいます)が運営するサイト「ベネッセハウス オンラインショップ」(以下「当サイト」といいます)をご利用いただくすべてのお客様(以下「利用者」といいます)との間における全ての事項に適用されるものであります。当サイトをご利用される前によくお読みいただき、ご同意の上ご利用いただくようお願い申し上げます。ご利用いただいた場合には、本規約すべてにご同意いただいたものとして取り扱わせていただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。

第1条 本規約の適用範囲及び変更




第2条 提供されるサービス








第3条 利用者等の定義



第4条 会員の定義等




第5条 会員登録





第6条 会員情報の取扱い






第7条 会員情報の管理







第8条 退会


第9条 本サービスの提供停止、会員登録抹消、賠償義務












第10条 売買契約の成立




第11条 契約の解除












第12条 販売価格等




第13条 商品の配送








第14条 返品・交換














第15条 著作権等



第16条 アクセス情報の管理

1.当社は、当サイト運営にあたり、利用者のアクセス履歴に関しGoogle Analytics等を用いて利用者のアクセス情報を収集する場合があります。提供するサービスの効果検証や、改善・新サービスの開発のため、商品・サービスに関するご案内・情報提供(広告等)のため、個人を特定する情報の収集やその他の目的のために収集及び使用は致しません。

本サービスでは以下の Google アナリティクスの広告向け機能を有効にして、広告配信・分析のために使用しています。

・Google アナリティクス リマーケティング

・Google ディスプレイ ネットワークのインプレッション レポート

・Google アナリティクスのユーザー属性とインタレスト カテゴリに関するレポート

・広告掲載目的のデータ収集(広告 Cookie と識別子によるデータ収集を含む)のために Google アナリティクスを必要とする統合サービス

・Google シグナル

本サービスでは Google アナリティクスの Cookie などのファーストパーティ Cookie(または他のファーストパーティ ID)と Google の広告 Cookie などのサードパーティ Cookie(または他のサードパーティ ID)を組み合わせ、利用者の行動・属性に基づく広告配信のために使用しています。


第17条 禁止事項













第18条 サービスの中断・停止等




第19条 その他免責事項










第20条 裁判所






Terms of Use for Benesse House Online Shop

These Terms of Use (“TOU”) will apply to all matters between you (or “User”) who use Benesse House Online Shop (“Site”) operated by Benesse Holdings, Inc. (“Benesse” or “We”) and us. Please read carefully this document before using the Site, and you must not use the Site if you do not agree to these TOU. You must understand that by using the Site, you agree to all the provisions contained in these TOU.

Terms of Use

Article 1. Scope of TOU and modification thereto

1.These TOU will apply to your use of the Services rendered by us as stipulated in Article 2.

2.If we modify these TOU, we may revise any of these TOU without prior notice to you; provided that such modification serves your interest generally or is not inconsistent with the purposes of contracts, and is determined by us to be reasonable, in light of need of such modification, appropriateness of the content so modified, and other circumstances under which the modification is made. We reserve the right to stipulate other terms (“Supplementary TOU”) to supplement these TOU.

3.Any revision or supplement to these TOU will take effect on the date notification is posted on this Site, which contains the revised TOU or Supplementary TOU as well as a proposed effective date setting out a reasonable period. You will be deemed to have irrevocably agreed to the modified TOU upon your use of the Services rendered by us pursuant to Article 2 after the modification thereof.

Article 2. Services to be rendered

1.We will use your personal information that is provided by Domestic Users as defined in Article 3.2 hereof for the Services set out in the following Article.

2.The Services rendered by us to you (the “Services”) include those listed in the following items.

 (1)Sales of goods;

 (2)Provision of information relating to sales of goods;

 (3)Any other services relating to sales of goods that are provided by us; and

 (4)Any other services incidental to the foregoing items.

3.We reserve the right to modify the Services without prior notice to you, as far as it is commercially reasonable to do so.

Article 3. Definition of Users

1.“User(s)” means an individual, entity or other organization which use the Services. Your use of the Services will constitute the agreement to these TOU.

2.Users are comprised of any persons using the Site outside Japan (“Overseas Users”) and any persons using the Site in Japan (“Domestic Users”), and Domestic Users are comprised of any Members as defined in Article 4 and any Users other than such Members (“Domestic Non-Members”). As used herein, Overseas Users and Domestic Users who are not Members are collectively referred to as “Non-Members”.

Article 4. Definition of Members

1.“Member(s)” means any Domestic Users who agree to these TOU and have completed the required procedure as is necessary for application for membership through this Site and are approved by us.

2.“Member Information” means information pertinent to an individual who is a Member, which is disclosed by it to us, and historical records of such Member’s transactions.

3.Members are subject to all of the provisions of these TOU. Any and all of the provisions other than those which are only applicable to Members will apply to Non-Members. Specifically, the provisions of Articles 1, 2.2 and 2.3, 3, and 4.3 (this Article), and any provisions of 9, which do not require that you are Members, and 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 of these TOU will apply to Overseas Users. Overseas Users who have selected the goods that they wish to buy will then be subject to the terms of use as prescribed by WorldShoppingBiz (found at https://zig-zag.my.site.com/help/s/terms?language=ja), operated by Zigzag Co., Ltd. and are subject to a relevant purchase agreement with it to buy any goods. In addition to the provisions applicable to Overseas Users, the provisions of Article 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 will apply to Domestic Non-Members.

Article 5. Registration of Members

1.A person who agrees to these TOU and has completed the required procedure as is necessary for application for membership through this Site and is approved by us will be qualified as a Member. The procedure to register as a Member must be completed by the User itself not by its agent. An entity or other organization wishing to register as a Member will register in the name of an individual who is the representative or responsible person, together with the name of the entity or organization to which he or she belongs. We may reject an application for membership by any person who has been disqualified as a Member in the past or is considered by us as inappropriate.

2.No admission fee, annual dues, or other Membership cost will be charged on you.

3.You must read all instructions for entering information in the registration procedures and provide necessary information to complete the specified form. You cannot use any special characters, old Chinese characters, or Roman figures in registering your member information. If these characters are registered in our system, we will modify them accordingly. You are not allowed to provide false information, any third party’s information, or fictitious or otherwise incorrect information to be admitted to membership.

4.A Member shall notify us of any changes in information submitted by it, and promptly deliver a notification of change in accordance with such procedure as may be necessary to reflect that change in the registered information through this Site. Benesse will in no event be liable to you for loss or damage arising from your failure to change registered information. Even if changes have been duly reflected in the registered information, all transactions for which necessary procedures have been completed prior to those changes will be based on information that was registered before those changes.

Article 6. Handling of Member Information

1.Benesse and this Site will handle any personal information pertinent to Members in accordance with “Handling of Personal Information”.

2.In general, Benesse will not disclose any Member Information to third parties except with the Member’s prior consent. However, we may disclose Member Information and other information relating to Users without the Member’s prior consent in the event of any of the following.

 (1)Such information is required to be disclosed by relevant laws and regulations;

 (2)It is necessary to protect our rights, interest, reputation, etc., as determined by us.

3.We may provide any information (including advertisement) to Members wishing to receive the same, via e-zine or other means. Through this Site and in the manner as stipulated by us, we will confirm if you are desirous of receiving such information before we provide it. However, you cannot opt out of receiving any such information as is necessary for us to operate this Site.

Article 7. Administration of Member Information

1.A Member will be assigned its Member ID and password once the Member has been registered. Members are free to change their Member ID and password.

2.You can substitute your email address registered at the time you registered as a Member (“Registered Email Address”) for your Member ID; and in these TOU, “Member ID” includes both “Member ID” and “Registered Email Address”.

3.A Member agrees to securely keep its Member ID and password at its own responsibility, and agrees never to transfer, assign, or sell or otherwise dispose of them to third parties.

4.A Member agrees to securely keep its Member ID and password at its own responsibility. Under no circumstances, will we be liable to a Member for loss or damage incurred by it arising from use by others of its Member ID and password, regardless of whether the Member has permitted them to use such ID and password negligently or not.

5.All communications with us using your Member ID and password will be deemed as those which are made by the Member, and the Member will be responsible for payment arising therefrom.

6.If the Member ID and password prove to be wrongfully used by a third party, the relevant Member shall immediately notify us to that effect, and act in accordance with instructions from us.

Article 8. Withdrawal

If a Member wishes to withdraw from membership, the Member must carry out such procedures as may be necessary for withdrawal through this Site, and after successful completion of such procedures, you will be deemed to have withdrawn from membership at the time we receive your withdrawal request from the Member. Once the withdrawal has been completed, all services available exclusive to Members, which may have been rendered to the Member prior to the withdrawal, will no longer be available.

Article 9. Suspension of Services; Deletion of Membership Registration; Liability

We may suspend the provision of the Services or delete membership registration if you fall under any of the items defined below. In general, we will notify relevant Members via Email prior to such suspension or deletion, except in cases of emergency or when it is impossible or difficult to give advance notice. You will be held liable for loss or damage incurred by us in connection therewith.

 (1)You wrongfully use your Member ID and password;

 (2)You access this Site to alter any information, transmit harmful computer programs, or otherwise commit an act detrimental to our business, regardless of whether you do any of them intentionally or not;

 (3)You violate or infringe any intellectual property rights pertinent to any goods that are handled by us or any content embodied in this Site;

 (4)You submit false information when you apply for membership;

 (5)You delayed in making payments relating to the Services, or otherwise were in breach of contracts in the past;

 (6)You repeatedly returned or canceled goods;

 (7)You engage in an act falling under any of the provisions of Article 17 (Don’ts);

 (8)You belong to, have a relationship with, or have transactions with Anti-social Forces, as determined by us;

 (9)You are otherwise in contravention with these TOU; or

 (10)In addition, we have determined that you are not qualified as a Member or as a User of this Site, on grounds which are objective and reasonable.

Article 10. Formation of Purchase Agreement

1.A purchase agreement between a Domestic User and Benesse will be deemed formed when your order information has been received by this Site for the Domestic User. However, if payment has not been ultimately payable with respect to that order information within 10 days of receipt thereof, such purchase agreement will be automatically canceled without notice.

2.Domestic Users under 18 must secure the consent of their parents or a person in parental authority to place an order for the goods.

3.After formation of a purchase agreement, we will be entitled to bill you for amounts payable under the purchase agreement (“Payment”) that becomes effective between you and this Site via such payment instrument as designated by the Domestic User at the time of placing orders, which is stipulated in the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (found at https://www.benessehouseshop.jp/hpgen/HPB/shop/business.html).

Article 11. Termination of Agreement

1.Even after formation of a purchase agreement, we reserve the right to terminate the agreement in the event of any of the following. For clarity, under no circumstances, will we be liable for loss or damage arising from the termination of the agreement.

 (1)A Domestic User failed to make payment in full within a specified period of time;

 (2)A credit card company as designated by a Domestic User notified us that he or she has been in default;

 (3)A shopping credit card company (installments) as designated by a Domestic User notified us that he or she has been in default;

 (4)Goods have been destroyed or become out of order, or otherwise in bad conditions during delivery, and there is no stock available for replacement and no prospect of arrival of the goods;

 (5)Manufacturers discontinue or otherwise are unable to supply the goods; or

 (6)It is impracticable to deliver the goods due to some unavoidable circumstances.

2.Even after formation of a purchase agreement, we reserve the right to terminate the agreement in the event of any of the following. In which case, you will be charged for any out of pocket expenses that had accrued at the time of the termination of such agreement.

 (1)Goods cannot be delivered due to Address Unknown/Long Absence/Refuse to accept any subsequent attempted delivery of the Goods;

 (2)You belong to, have a relationship with, or have transactions with Anti-social Forces, as determined by us;

 (3)In addition to the foregoing, you engaged in any wrongful or inappropriate act.

Article 12. Selling Price

1.Selling prices applicable to Domestic Users and relevant shipping fees with respect to the goods will be indicated in relevant pages.

2.The selling prices and relevant shipping fees with respect to the goods which are stated in the preceding paragraph include applicable consumption taxes.

3.We reserve the right to revise the aforementioned selling prices and the shipping fees without giving notice to you. After formation of a purchase agreement, if selling prices and/or shipping fees are revised, you agree to make the same payment as determined at the time of the formation of the purchase agreement, and any difference will not be settled by us to you or by you to us.

Article 13. Delivery of Goods

1.For all orders from Domestic Users, relevant goods will be delivered by a courier service as designated by us. The courier service will be selected by us taking into consideration the size, weight and nature of the goods. Domestic Users are not allowed to select a courier service.

2.Shipment of goods directly from Benesse will be domestic shipping only.

3.In case of multiple shipments of goods for one order, the delivery time, delivery date, or delivery service may vary depending on the goods, stock, and nature of the goods.

4.Once shipping arrangement for goods has been made by us, you are not allowed to change the destination regardless of the reasons or situations.

5.You may designate a destination other than your residence for delivery of goods. However, if the goods will not be received by you, you must notify in advance the recipient at the place of delivery where the goods are to be delivered, to ensure a smooth delivery. If any goods are returned to us for your convenience or the recipient’s convenience (such as Refuse to accept any subsequent attempted delivery of the Goods/Long Absence), resulting in redelivery, you agree to reimburse us for actual shipping fees sustained by us in connection with that return and redelivery of the goods.

6.If you receive a “delivery notice” in your mailbox from a courier service as you were absent on the delivery date, you will be responsible for making arrangements with that courier service for redelivery.

7.We will in no event be liable for direct or indirect damage incurred by you in connection with delayed shipment of goods for any reasons whatsoever.

Article 14. Return and Replacement

1.A Domestic User may not replace the goods or change specifications or cancel orders unless the Domestic User gives us its intention to cancel the orders by writing back to us within 24 hours of receipt of our order confirmation email.

2.If you are a Domestic User, we will accommodate your request to the extent that your intention to change the delivery date is communicated by email within 24 hours of receipt of the email specifying estimated arrival date.

Unless we receive any notice from you stating you are desirous of changing the arrival date, we will deliver the goods when the shipment is ready.

3.If we are responsible for non-delivery or replace the goods due to destruction during the shipment, we will refund payment rather than replacement, in the event of any of the following. Any amount paid via other payment instruments will be refunded via bank transfer or other means as the case may be, depending on the timing when the refund will occur, and how we will refund the payment will be notified via email by us to relevant Domestic User before making the refund.

 (1)There is no stock available and production is not scheduled;

 (2)Goods have been destroyed or become out of order, or otherwise in bad conditions during delivery, and there is no stock available for replacement and no prospect of production of the goods;

 (3)Manufacturers discontinue or otherwise are unable to supply the goods;

 (4)It is impracticable to deliver the goods due to some other circumstances.

4.For refunding money, we will proceed with the refund process sequentially, upon receipt of the goods from a Domestic User. The period until completion of the refund process from receipt of the goods may vary depending on the situations under which the refund is being processed and relevant payment instruments.

 (1)Invoice will be canceled until a credit card company’s cut-off date comes, otherwise the refund will be applied by a credit card company toward an amount of subsequent months;

 (2)If a credit card company cannot make a refund, upon completion of the refund process, we will notify you of the method of refund and the estimated refund date by sending you email addressed to your registered email address.

5.The maximum liability for loss or damage incurred by you due to our negligence will not exceed the actual damage normally arising from such negligence, and will be capped at the total of the goods and the shipping fees (inclusive of consumption tax) with respect to relevant order, unless caused by our willful conduct or gross negligence.

Article 15. Copyrights

1.You agree not to use or publish any works of authorship or all other information which is provided through this Site, exceeding the scope of private use as is permitted under the Copyright Act and other applicable laws.

2.You agree to, at your own expense and on your own responsibility, settle all claims relating to copyrights and other intellectual property rights arising from your breach of this Article. You further agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Benesse from damages, and assume liability for loss or damage sustained by Benesse, if any.

Article 16. Administration of Access Information

1.During the operation of this Site, we may collect your access information relating to your access history using, amongst others, Google Analytics. We will not collect or use information that can identify an individual for the purposes of verifying the effect of services rendered by us, or for any improvement or developing new services, or providing guidance or information relating goods and services (including advertisement), or for any other purposes.

The Services will activate and use the following functions for Google Analytics advertisement to conduct advertisement delivery/analysis.

・Google Analytics Remarketing

・Google Display Network Impression Report

・Report relating to user attributes and interest category of Google Analytics

・Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for posting advertisement (including data collection through advertisement Cookies and identifiers)

・Google Signals

The Services will use a combination of first party Cookies (or other first party ID), such as Google Analytics’ Cookies, and third party Cookies, such as Google Advertisement Cookies (or other third party ID) for advertisement delivery based on User’s behaviors and attributes.

2.If you disable cookies in your web browser settings, your use of the Services may be restricted.

Article 17. Don’ts

With respect to the Services, you must not engage in any of the following acts.

(1)An act that prejudices third parties or Benesse;

(2)An act that infringes any intellectual property rights (such as copyrights or trademarks) of third parties or Benesse;

(3)Transmission of information or comments which are obscene, cruel, or otherwise offensive to other Members;

(4)Advertising/promotional/commercial activities, public office election campaign, recruitment for certain belief and religion, or other similar activities;

(5)Unauthorized access to device or software that is used for providing the Services;

(6)Transmission of harmful computer programs for the Services;

(7)Unauthorized alteration or removal of information or review on the Services;

(8)Engaging in or causing a third party to engage in the act of making violent or threatening demands; the act of making unreasonable demands exceeding legal responsibilities; the act of spreading rumors; the act of harming the credibility of others;

(9)Any other acts which contravene the applicable laws and regulations or are otherwise unlawful, or violate these TOU, rules, or instructions from us;

(10)In addition to the foregoing, acts that are detrimental to the operation of the Services, or are inappropriate as determined by us.

(11)Transfer/assign or share your Member ID and password with any third party.

Article 18. Interruption/suspension of Services

1.We may temporarily suspend the Services in whole or in part for the purpose of implementing routine maintenance so far as is reasonably practicable; provided that Members are provided prior notification in such manner as we deem appropriate. In no event will Benesse be liable to you for loss of use of the Services, either wholly or partially, due to such suspension.

2.In the event of actual or threatened earthquakes, eruptions, floods, tsunamis, fires, wars, power failures, or other events of Force Majeure, we may suspend or terminate the Services in whole or in part without prior notice to Members. Under no circumstances, will Benesse be liable to you for loss or damage in connection such suspension or termination.

3.Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in case of failure of electronic device related to the Services (including servers down), network outage, unauthorized access to data, computer virus, loss of data, etc., as determined by us, we may suspend the Services in whole or in part without prior notice to Members.

Article 19. Disclaimer

1.We will not assume any liability for damage, loss, or disadvantage arising from your use of the Services in connection with system interruption/delay/discontinuance or loss of data due to line interference or computer failure, damages arising from unauthorized access to data, or otherwise due to reasons not attributable to us.

2.We will use our best efforts to ensure that email content transmitted from our web page server domain does not contain any computer virus, but you agree that if such harmful program is innocently contained in the email content, we will not be liable for damage, loss, or disadvantage incurred by you in connection therewith.

3.We will not be held liable for damage, loss, or disadvantage arising from your breach of these TOU.

4.We reserve the right to alter, remove, or add to the composition of this Site, and its content, page, or service, the goods we handle, and other aspects of this Site, at our sole discretion.

5.You agree that all costs related to hardware or equipment necessary to use the Services, access charge, communication fee (such as interconnection rate), and other costs and expenses will be for the User’s account, and further agree that you use the Services at your own responsibility.

6.In the event that your data is lost or made illegible by failure or trouble of our hardware or equipment and line interference to provide the Services, we will be entitled to, promptly and without qualification, cancel or terminate the purchase agreement without giving notice, and suspend the provision of the Services.

7.In case where we are under obligation to give some notice to you, we will be relieved of such obligation to the extent that the notice is given based on information that was registered by you. We will be excused from all responsibilities relating to notice or other necessary procedures, once we have processed them based on information that was registered by you.

8.We will also be excused from all responsibilities relating to trouble with respect to changes of your Member ID and password made at your request, to the extent that we verify your identity in the manner as determined by us.

9.You agree to, at your own expense and on your own responsibility, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Benesse from damages incurred by third parties, and assume liability for loss or damage sustained by Benesse arising therefrom, if any.

Article 20. Jurisdiction

The Parties agree that the Tokyo District Court will be the sole forum for any action of the first instance for disputes between Members and Benesse arising out of these TOU.

Article 21. Governing Law

These TOU will be governed by the laws of Japan.

Supplementary Provisions

Revised on June 3, 2024